
Estão invadindo o prédio da Ubisoft Montreal, mantendo funcionários de reféns.
— Rafa NS (@rafaNSwi) November 13, 2020
WTF ! pic.twitter.com/wCM98V2c5l
– اسطول من سيارات الاسعاف خارج مبنى استديو Ubisoft من باب الاحتياط pic.twitter.com/7ycvKKu2h7
— BRHM (@xBrhm1) November 13, 2020
On scene @Ubisoft stay tuned to #CJAD800 for updates. pic.twitter.com/tVFEpG87qX
— Dave Kaufman (@TheKaufmanShow) November 13, 2020
СМИ сообщают, что десятки людей могли быть взяты в заложники в канадском офисе игровой студии Ubisoft.
— Mash (@mash_breaking) November 13, 2020
По другим данным, спецоперация идёт в здании рядом с офисом Ubisoft. Произошло вооруженное ограбление.
Копы перерыли округу. pic.twitter.com/G01gTfYu8r
Canada : L'hypothèse d'un canular ayant provoqué une intervention policière en rapport avec les locaux d'Ubisoft n'est toujours pas mise de côté. pic.twitter.com/7ODmgEkbo4
— Rebecca Rambar (@RebeccaRambar) November 13, 2020
Medio reportan una “situación de rehenes” en Ubisoft Montreal. Reportan a decenas de personas que han sido tomadas como rehenes. pic.twitter.com/9vqesZk2zc
— Radio YSKL (@radioyskl) November 13, 2020

No threat has been identified for now. We are currently evacuating the building. #SPVM https://t.co/7g7eHU2B1T
— Police Montréal (@SPVM) November 13, 2020
The media has been told the #ubisoft hostage situation was a prank but they're still running with it just to get some clicks #fakenews pic.twitter.com/s9iW3WJpg4
— Mendy Marcus – #ElectionFraud (@MendyMarcus) November 13, 2020
#montreal #canada
— Alerte attentat BE (@A_Attentat_BE) November 13, 2020
Situation extrêmement confuse.
Des ambulances sur place tout comme les brigades spéciales.
Des évacuations sortant de UBISOFT sont en cours.
Selon la police sur place, aucune menace, étonnant vu le déploiement des forces de l'ordre sur place. pic.twitter.com/gwEPSR6y8f
Fransız oyun şirketi Ubisoft'un Montreal ofisinde rehine krizi | Ubisoft'tan açıklama: Yetkililerle yakın bir şekilde çalışıyoruz pic.twitter.com/I53cMnGZ8q
— Haberzzers (@haberzzers) November 13, 2020
Hostage situation at Ubisoft. Numerous sources report it was a Hoax pic.twitter.com/TGPapqFAA8
— FenrirSec (@SecFenrir) November 13, 2020
Fransız oyun şirketi Ubisoft'un Kanada'nın Montreal kentindeki ofisine silahlı saldırganlar tarafından baskın düzenlendiği ve çalışanların rehin alındığı bildirildi. pic.twitter.com/pJNodFtkoz
— ÇapaMag Ekonomi (@CapaMagEkonomi) November 13, 2020